Occupational Health & Safety

Mahonys Transport Services is committed to complying with all relevant Legislation, Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice and recognised Industry Standards to uphold high levels of safety for all employees, clients, visitors, contractors and the general public.

All Mahonys employees, visitors and contractors are also required to sign and abide by all Mahonys Policies and Procedures including our Occupation Health and Safety (OH&S) Policy and follow all relevant Safe Operating Procedures (SOPs).

Mahonys approach to Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) is one of continuous improvement through the enhancement of skills, knowledge, practice and commitment of our employees at all levels of the organisation.

Mahonys Transport’s safety and compliance objectives are to;

  • Comply with relevant Legislation, Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice and recognised Industry Standards;
  • Provide employees with appropriate skills, resources, and support to enable them to diligently carry out their work with due considerations of others in the workplace;
  • Continue to develop a culture that encourages all employees to participate in meeting the objectives of this policy;
  • Monitor and record relevant evidence of OH&S performance objectives and improvements achieved;
  • Control those aspects of its operations that have an affect on OH&S;
  • Assign relevant responsibility for OH&S to employees.

In fulfilling these objectives, management is committed to consultation with employees and other stakeholders to ensure that the policy operates effectively and that health & safety issues are regularly reviewed.

The commitment to Safety and Compliance is endorsed by the Board of Directors, driven by Senior Management and extends to all levels of the organisation.

Fleet Compliance

Mahonys Transport’s fleet is fully compliant with all Australian States and Territories Laws and Regulations.

Mahonys Transport Services operate in accordance with the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) and the regulation programs that are governed by this body such as Intelligent Access Program (IAP), Mass Management and National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) to allow Mahonys Transport Services to legally freight the maximum amount of tonnes in all States and Territories both safely and cost efficiently for B-Double Configurations.

All Mahonys trucks currently run NextGen Transtech GPS tracking systems to allow Mahonys to effectively manage drivers Basic Fatigue Management (BFM) and also permits Mahonys to provide live weights and the most appropriate routes to clients.